国际花会为一非牟利之文化机构,于1956年由ELLEN,GORDON ALLEN创立于日本东京,目前国际花会已拥有一万二千多名会员,二百二十五个分会散布于全球五大洲中之大小都会,成绩辉煌。 国际花会之宗旨是把日本式插花艺术(简称“花道”和其他连系之艺术推广于世界,并利用每年举办的活动鼓励各地人仕划破国籍、年龄、性别、身份的界限而携手在一起,发挥“以花会友”的精神。 “花道”的历史悠久,可追溯至公元十五世纪初期。“花道”这门学问的雏型是利用植物的花、枝和叶妥作安排在器皿内以求
International Flower Fair is a non-profit-making cultural institution founded by ELLEN and GORDON ALLEN in Tokyo, Japan in 1956. At present, IWF has more than 12,000 members and 225 chapters spread across five continents The size of the city will be brilliant achievements. The purpose of the International Flower Festival is to promote the art of Japanese flower arrangement (“Flower Road”) and other related art in the world and make use of the annual activities to encourage people everywhere to break through the boundaries of nationality, age, gender and identity Together, play the spirit of “Flower Friends.” “Flower Road” has a long history, dating back to the early fifteenth century AD. “Flower Road” of this learned prototype is the use of plant flowers, branches and leaves properly arranged in the vessel Within the demand