
来源 :山东档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengj5817
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近日,青岛市荣誉市民、德国曼海姆市前第一副市长诺伯特艾格博士(Dr.Norbert Egger)向青岛市档案馆捐赠《山东及其门户胶州》德文原版书籍及所附三幅珍贵地图。《山东及其门户胶州》一书出版于1898年,由19世纪德国著名地理学家、地质学家李希霍芬所著。1868—1872年,李希霍芬以上海为基地,对中国18个行省中的14个进行了地质地理考察,是“在中国版图上走得最远的外国人”。李希霍芬对胶州湾的研究与论断对德国侵占胶州湾产生了重大影 Recently, Honorary Citizens of Qingdao and former First Vice Mayor of Mannheim, Germany, Dr. Norbert Egger donated the original German edition of “Shandong and its Portal to Jiaozhou” to the Qingdao Municipal Archives and the accompanying three Expensive map. “Shandong and its portal Jiaozhou,” a book published in 1898, by the 19th-century German famous geographer, geologist Lee Hiphofen. From 1868 to 1872, Richie Finn was based in Shanghai and conducted a geological geography survey of 14 of the 18 provinces in China. It is “the foreigner who has gone furthest up the Chinese territory.” Richie’s research and judgment on Jiaozhou Bay had a significant impact on Germany’s occupation of Jiaozhou Bay
介绍了日本的新一代通勤车鼓形车体拓宽车辆和上、下层客室通道全长贯通的全双层客车的结构概要及限界试验与评价情况、实物模型乘降试验情况。 This paper introduces the
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介绍了挪威新型摆式列车 ,该列车的运行可缩短旅行时间 ,提高乘车舒适度 ,并可增加铁路的竞争力 Introduced the new Norwegian-style tilting train, which can reduce tra
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