Confidential Communication Through Chaos Encryption in Wireless Sensor Network

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Dutch_deamer
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A new byte block cipher algorithm with discrete chaos and Feistel structure has been studied for confidential communication in wireless sensor network to improve security. After permutation,the byte block was encrypted through a Feistel structure in multiple turns and afterwards replaced again. The child keys are the composite sequence of discrete chaos and linear congruence sequences. Both the plain text and cipher text are of 8 bits. The number of keys is alterable. A nonlinear encryption function in the Feistel structure with chaos was constructed. The cipher algorithm was realized in the Micaz node,and the confidential communication experiment in wireless sensor network was completed success-fully. Additional ROM memory required for the cipher algorithm is 4144 bytes and an additional RAM memory 61 bytes. The cipher algorithm is nonlinear chaos and the Feistel structure holds the best of the RC6,DES and SKIPJACK cipher algorithms.The result shows that the algorithm needs a little memory and is safe at a high level. A new byte block cipher algorithm with discrete chaos and Feistel structure has been studied for confidential communication in wireless sensor network to improve security. After permutation, the byte block was encrypted through a Feistel structure in multiple turns and afterwards replaced again. The child keys are the composite sequence of discrete chaos and linear congruence sequences. Both the plain text and cipher text are of 8 bits. The number of keys is alterable. A nonlinear encryption function in the Feistel structure with chaos was constructed. The cipher algorithm was realized in the Mickey node, and the confidential communication experiment in wireless sensor network was completed success-fully. Additional ROM memory required for the cipher algorithm is 4144 bytes and an additional RAM memory 61 bytes. The cipher algorithm is nonlinear chaos and the Feistel structure holds the best of the RC6, DES and SKIPJACK cipher algorithms. The result shows that the algorithm needs a little m emory and is safe at a high level.
任哲1983年生于山东淄博。2005年毕业于中国人民大学艺术学院获学士学位。现任职于中国美术馆展览部。中国博物馆学会会员。 Ren Zhe was born in Shandong Zibo in 1983. 2
2008年仲夏,时值新疆好家乡超市有限公司10周年庆典会上,董事长许平这样诠释和追忆公司所走过的艰辛历程和收获的累累硕果:“10年前的今天,一家200多平方米的小型超市开张营业了,我们带着一个目标,要做乌鲁木齐最好的超市,好家乡开始了艰难的起步。回想10年前的诺言,今天,我们可以自豪地说,我们做到了。”  10载弹指一挥,10载春华秋实。通过10年的学习和努力,新疆本土零售企业的“好家乡”已开设大