Dr. Rolf Hoffman’s main interest has been in finding and discovering beauty hidden in the chemical world, whether they are buried between molecules or quietly hidden in daily use. In his view, the search for beauty is almost inevitable and will have an interest in science. The reason why a molecule is essential is that it is useful to industry or necessary in daily life. “But the best way to portray a molecule may be to follow a person’s beauty instead of following a mechanical prescription,” Huffman said. Dr. Hoffman’s students are well aware that he is particularly fascinated by the subtle symmetry and asymmetry of the electron orbits in complex molecules and draws on the notion of a transcendental “chemical shift from which these symmetries can be approximated”. This not only provided a feasible method for chemists to predict the trend of chemical reaction, but also gave him the most powerful affirmation in 1981 in honor of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.