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《普通高中语文课程标准》(实验)指出,语文教学要有丰富的人文内涵,关注学生生命的成长。注重生命质量和生命成长是生命教育与语文课程共同的目标。唐宋诗词作为我国优秀思想文化的载体,是中华民族独特的精神标识,是中华民族优秀传统文化的宝藏;品读鉴赏,既可陶冶学生的性情、激发灵感,又能提升他们的素养、烛照人生。唐宋诗词生命意蕴的表现生命意识是基于人类对时间的感受的,是人类对自我存在价 The “Standard of Chinese Curriculum for General Senior High School” (experiment) points out that Chinese teaching should have rich humanistic connotation and focus on the growth of students’ life. Focusing on the quality of life and the growth of life are the common goals of life education and Chinese curriculum. Tang and Song poetry, as the carrier of our country’s outstanding ideology and culture, is the unique spiritual mark of the Chinese nation and the treasure of the excellent Chinese traditional culture. Reading comprehension can not only cultivate the students’ temperaments but also inspire them while enhancing their literacy . The expression of life connotation of Tang and Song poems Life consciousness is based on the human feelings of time and human beings’
《冤案何以发生:导致冤假错案的八大司法迷信》  【美】吉姆·佩特罗 南希·佩特罗 著 苑宁宁、陈效 等译  北京大学出版社2012年11月版  《冤案何以发生:导致冤假错案的八大司法迷信》是一本带有自传性质的作品。作者是曾任美国俄亥俄州检察总长的吉姆·佩特罗及其妻子南希·佩特罗女士。在2003~2007年担任这一公职期间,吉姆·佩特罗发现,即使身为检察总长,要纠正一起冤案也异常艰难。卸下公职后,吉