【摘 要】
A wave of artificial intelligence (AI) has swept across the globe.The World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2018,held in Shanghai this September,drew thousan
【机 构】
CAS Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, China
A wave of artificial intelligence (AI) has swept across the globe.The World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2018,held in Shanghai this September,drew thousands of participants from 40 countries and regions,as well as hundreds of big and small enterprises.Applications of AI to nearly all sectors of the society-finance,manufacturing,education,communication,health,retailing,services-are growing at a steep rate,with no end in sight.This is unlikely to be a passing craze,but the enthusiasm could only be sustained by further evolution of AI that overcomes many of its current limitations.
Water is scarce in China.The country ekes by with only one-quarter of the global average for water per person.The scarcity is exacerbated by rampant pollution—
Voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav)are essential for the generation and conduction of the action potentials in excitable cells,including neurons,endocrine cells
从前 ,有一个年老的隐士 ,隐居在森林里 ,陪伴他过日子的 ,只有一只那种叫作云雀的鸟儿。有一天 ,有两个使者 ,前来拜见这个老人 ,求他跟他们一块到他们主人的城堡去 ,因为他
我用一个下午,观察老鼠洞穴。我坐在一蓬白草下面,离鼠洞约二十米远。这是老鼠允许我接近的最近距离。再逼近半步,老鼠便会仓皇逃进洞穴,让我什么都看不见。 老鼠洞筑在地头一个土包上,有七八个洞口。不知老鼠凭什么选择了这个较高的地势。也许是在洞穴被水淹了多少次后,知道了把洞筑在高处。但这个高它是怎样确定的?靠老鼠的寸光之目,是怎样对一片大地域的地势作高低判断的? 老鼠的这个洞的确筑在高处。以我的眼光,
‘Nature and its vital contributions to people,which together embody biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services,are deteriorating worldwide’ [1].The Uni