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农村实用人才带头人是广大农民的优秀代表,是现代农业发展和新农村建设的领头雁。2006年以来,农业部按照“村庄是教室、村官是教师、现场是教材”的模式,把农村实用人才带头人请到先进典型村,通过听、看、学、谈的培训方式,大规模开展了农村实用人才带头人示范培训,帮助学员启迪了思维、开阔了眼界、转变了观念、提升了能力,为农村培养造就了一支留得住、用得上、带头致富和共同致富能力强的农村实用人才带头人队伍。截至目前,已累计培养25000多名各类农村实用人才带头人,其中大学生村官5000多人。示范培训深受广大农村实用人才的欢迎,在社会上产生了积极广泛的反响。2015年,依托全国31个部级和省级农村实用人才培训基地,中央组织部、农业部将联合举办183期示范培训班,培训学员18300名,其中农村实用人才带头人示范培训班133期,大学生村官示范培训班50期。本期专题报道为作者在农业部农村实用人才带头人培训湖北省星光村基地2015年第2期培训班(美丽乡村主题)的带班手记,在参与培训过程中作者边听边记,结合讨论内容的背景信息边联系边思考,同时又为带头人们朴实语言下的真实而深深感动,为他们带领群众脱贫致富带动当地农村的新变化而振奋。 The leaders of practical talents in rural areas are the outstanding representatives of the vast majority of peasants and the leading goose in the development of modern agriculture and in the building of a new socialist countryside. Since 2006, the Ministry of Agriculture, in accordance with the mode of “villages are classrooms, village officials are teachers and the scene is teaching materials”, invited the leaders of practical talents in the countryside to the advanced typical villages. By means of listening, watching, learning and talking about training methods, Large-scale demonstration of training of rural practical talent leaders to help students enlighten mentality, broaden their horizons, change the concept and enhance the ability to create a rural training to create a sustainable, affordable, take the lead in wealth and common prosperity Ability of rural practical talent leader team. Up till now, more than 25,000 leaders of various types of practical talents in rural areas have been trained, of which more than 5,000 are university and village officials. Demonstration training by the majority of rural practical talents welcome, in the community have had a positive and widespread response. In 2015, based on the training of 31 ministerial-level and provincial-level practical rural personnel in China, the Central Organization Department and the Ministry of Agriculture will jointly organize 183 demonstration training courses to train 18,300 trainees, including 133 practical training courses for rural practical talent leaders, College student village demonstration training class 50. This issue feature reports for the author in the Ministry of Agriculture practical leaders in rural training Star Village Base in Hubei Province in 2015 No. 2 training class (beautiful country theme) with the class notes, in the process of training the author listen to the sidelines, combined with the discussion Of the background information while thinking about the connection, at the same time, they are deeply touched by the real people under the simple language and help them to lead the masses to bring about new changes in the local countryside by helping them to get rid of poverty and get rich.
现就水暖安装工程与土建工程相互配合中的几个常见质量通病及预防措施。 Now on the plumbing installation works and civil works in the mutual cooperation of several
农业关乎国家粮食安全、资源安全和生态安全,“可持续”是当前我国经济发展进入新常态、全面改革进入深水区的一个“热词”。《全国农业可持续发展规划(2015—2030年)》在众多期待中正式发布,这个被称为“纲领性文件”的《规划》,其发布的背景和重大意义是什么?将会给我国农业发展带来哪些深刻的变化?我国农业将走上一条什么样的道路?农民日报记者就此采访了农业部部长韩长赋。  问:在当前的经济社会发展阶段,出