
来源 :明清小说研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caibh
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(一) 陈大康在《文学遗产》2000年第2期发表《熊大木现象:古代通俗小说传播模式及其意义》一文,认为负责传播的书坊主干预创作的“熊大木现象”是中国古代通俗小说史上一种带有相当普遍性的创作模式,它是明清通俗小说兼具精神产品与文化商品双重品格必然的外在表现。 (1) Chen Dakang published “Xiong Damen Phenomenon: the Mode of the Transmission of Ancient Popular Fictions and Its Significance” in the 2nd issue of “Literary Heritage” in 2000, and holds that the “Xiong Damen phenomenon”, which is mainly produced by the main book-maker in charge of communication, is an ancient Chinese popular novel In the history, a creative model with quite universal character is the inevitable external manifestation of the double character of both popular products and cultural products in Ming and Qing popular novels.
园花盛开,花上有蝴蝶,六足,四翅①,色甚②美。妹举扇扑之。姊③曰:“蝴蝶之④翅,有毒粉,能傷目⑤,不可扑也。”妹从之⑥。  ——选自《国民老课本》  ①翅:翅膀。  ②甚:非常。  ③姊:姐姐。  ④之:的。  ⑤目:眼睛。  ⑥之:姐姐说的话。  园中的花儿盛开了,花上有蝴蝶,六只脚,四个翅膀,色彩非常美丽。妹妹举起扇子正要扑向蝴蝶。姐姐说:“蝴蝶的翅膀上有毒粉,能伤到眼睛,不能扑它。”妹妹听从