
来源 :法律和社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haschie
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尽管研究中国大陆土地所有权制度的文献已经汗牛充栋了,但“谁是中国土地的所有者”这个问题依然没有确切的答案,当代中国土地所有权与中国公法——特别是现行宪法所确立的以“城市一农村”作为土地“国家所有一集体所有”的区分标准,以及“城市化与土地国有化错误捆绑”之间存在的复杂关联,也并没有引起人们的广泛关注。从现行《宪法》第10条规定出发所展开的分析,不但有助于揭开隐藏在两种土地所有权背后的面纱以及它们内部各自存在的“所有权一代表权一管理权”问题,而且预示着当下人们关于土地“国有化/私有化”争论实际上存在诸多空白和误区。填补相应的空白,澄清其中的诸多疑惑毫无疑问将成为本文研究的重点。 Although the literature on land ownership in mainland China has become more developed, the issue of “who is the owner of land in China” is still not definitively answered. The issue of contemporary Chinese land ownership and Chinese public law, especially the current Constitution, The “urban-rural” distinction between land as “the state-owned-collective-ownership” and the complex association between “urbanization and the wrong nationalization of land” have not drawn much attention . An analysis based on the provisions of Article 10 of the current Constitution not only helps to unveil the veil hidden behind the two kinds of land ownership and their respective existence of “ownership of one power of management”, but also This indicates that there are actually many gaps and misunderstandings in the current debate over the issue of “nationalization / privatization” of land. To fill the corresponding gaps, to clarify many of the doubts will undoubtedly become the focus of this study.