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庄稼是属于精神的,它生长的过程也是一个精神发育过程。一生守着庄稼的人,伴着庄稼的生长不断地精神。从种子落地发芽到长成大舞台一样的阵势,随风起伏,或青碧或金黄或火红,拍打着村庄,香气灌满大街小巷,这是精神的。现在城市里糟蹋粮食的人,不知道粮食的来历,他只知道粮食是从超市或专卖店里来的,或者直接从餐桌上来的,他以为粮食是物质的,所以不存敬畏,不知道尊重。没向土地弯过腰的人,不从庄稼地里拱出来的人,不能真正理解粮食。掉在餐桌上的一粒米,实在无所谓,但如 Crops belong to the spirit, and its growth process is also a spiritual development. The people who keep their crops for a long time keep growing with their crops. Sprouting from the seed to the stage where it grows into a big stage, the wind and the waves, or green or golden or red, flapping the village, the fragrance filled the streets, it is spiritual. Now that the people who eat food in the cities do not know the origins of the food, they only know that the food came from the supermarket or the specialty store, or came directly from the table. He thought that the food was material, so he did not fear and did not know the respect . People who do not bend over to the land, who do not arose out of the land of crops, can not really understand the food. It is indifferent to a grain of rice falling on the table, however
[阳光滑过月季花]    蓝宝宝原本是班里最懒惰的女孩子,打扫卫生的时候会偷偷地溜掉,黑板擦得总是漫不经心,作业都是被小组长催了又催才交上去。班主任拿她这样一个女孩子没办法,便任由她在没人注意的角落里自生自灭。事实上,读了快一年的高中了,许多任课老师都还不认识这个从不主动举手回答问题的女孩子,那么多的优秀生等着他们去照顾呢,像蓝宝宝这样走路都悄无声息的女孩子,又有谁会在看到她的时候,有兴趣想一想,
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A taste of European culture was offered in Chaoyang Park in Beijing, May 23-24,as the EU Extravaganza showcased the highlights of the region’s music and cuisin
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