开掘乡愁文化 助推全域旅游

来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rliang
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乡愁是岁月的痕迹,也是一种怀旧的情愫,它凝聚着人们对故土的眷恋,对故人的怀念,对往事的回眸和对人生的回味。文章从乡愁文化的旅游价值、开发重点和旅游载体三个维度,论述了“留住乡愁”与“诗意栖居”的人文关联,提出了新型城镇化进程中开掘乡愁文化的实现路径。 Nostalgia is the traces of years, but also a nostalgic affection, which embodies the people’s love of the homeland, the memory of the old, the memories of the past and the aftertaste of life. This article discusses the humanistic connection between “keeping nostalgia” and “poetic dwelling” from the three aspects of tourism value, development focus and tourism carrier of nostalgic culture, and puts forward the realization of nostalgic culture in the process of new urbanization path.