Application Server Aging Model and Multi-Level Rejuvenation Strategy Using Semi-Markov Process

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pkpm1
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Aiming at the characteristic of the dependency between the application components and the application server platform, a rejuvenation strategy with two different levels of rejuvenation granularities is put forward in this paper including the application component rejuvenation and the application server system rejuvenation. The availability and maintenance cost functions are obtained by means of establishing the application server aging model and the boundary condition of the optimal rejuvenation time is analyzed. Theory analysis indicates that the two-level rejuvenation strategy is superior to the traditional single level one. Finally, evaluation experiments are carried out and numerical result shows that compared with the traditional rejuvenation policy, the rejuvenation strategy proposed in this paper can further increase availability of the application server and reduce maintenance cost. Aiming at the characteristic of the dependency between the application components and the application server platform, a rejuvenation strategy with two different levels of rejuvenation granularities is put forward in this paper including the application component rejuvenation and the application server system rejuvenation. The availability and maintenance cost functions are obtained by means of establishing the application server aging model and the boundary condition of the optimal rejuvenation time is analyzed. Finally analysis evaluation that that two-level rejuvenation strategy is superior to the traditional single level one. Finally, evaluation experiments are carried out and numerical result shows that compared with the traditional rejuvenation policy, the rejuvenation strategy proposed in this paper can further increase availability of the application server and reduce maintenance cost.
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