建国以来,我国铜矿地质普查和研究工作取得了很大成绩.十多年来,我们对我国各种类型铜矿的一百一十多个矿区和矿化点做了硫同位素组分测定,积累了二千多个硫同位素组成数据.现将这些数据综合整理,并讨论若干类型铜矿床的硫同位素分布特征.同位素组成采用CH_4/58-Ⅳ型质谱计用双进样比较法测定;在真空系统中以CuO为氧化剂,用直接氧化法制备SO_2.重复实验结果表明,整个流程的测试精度为±0.02%.全部数据以Canyon Diablo陨石陨硫铁为标准进行计算.
Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, great achievements have been made in geological survey and research on copper deposits in our country. For more than a decade, we have measured the sulfur isotopic composition of more than 110 mines and mineralized sites of various types of copper mines in China, Accumulated more than 2,000 sulfur isotope composition data are now integrated these data and discuss the sulfur isotope distribution characteristics of several types of copper deposits isotope composition using the CH_4 / 58-Ⅳ mass spectrometer double-injection comparison method; SO 2 was prepared by direct oxidation method using CuO as oxidant in the vacuum system.The results of repeated experiments showed that the accuracy of the whole process was ± 0.02% .All the data were calculated based on the Canyon Diablo meteorite pyrite.