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湖南省卫生厅于1965年8月28日至9月6日,在长沙召开了省级第一批农村巡回医疗队经验交流会。除参加第一批巡回医疗队的全体同志外,省卫生防疫队和妇幼卫生工作队的同志也参加了会议。省委书记华国锋、副省长王含馥等领导同志,在会上作了重要讲话,卫生厅赵建华副厅长做了把卫生工作的重点放到农村的报告,赵畅副厅长在会议结束时作了总结发言。与会同志认真总结了巡回医疗工作的成绩和经验,畅谈下乡的心得体会。会议总结了农村巡回医疗队的主要工作,是防病治病,培训农村不脱产卫生员,帮助基层医务人员提高政治思想和技术水平,普及卫生知识,开展群众性爱国卫生运动,特别是管好粪便、饮水以及做好计划生育的宣传工作。巡回医疗队的组织形式,要因地因时制宜,机动灵活,采取定点与巡回医疗相结合。做好巡回医疗工作,必须在当地党 From August 28 to September 6, 1965, the Hunan Provincial Department of Health held the first batch of experience exchange conferences for provincial rural medical teams in Changsha. In addition to all the comrades who participated in the first round of medical teams, the comrades of the provincial health and disease prevention team and the maternal and child health team also attended the meeting. Provincial Party Secretary Hua Guofeng and Vice Governor Wang Hanjian and other leading comrades made an important speech at the meeting. Zhao Jianhua, deputy director of the Health Department, made a report on the focus of health work in rural areas. Deputy Director Zhao Chang ended the meeting. He made a concluding speech. The comrades at the conference carefully summed up the achievements and experience of the medical tour work and talked about the experience of going to the countryside. The meeting summed up the main tasks of the rural medical team to prevent and treat diseases, train rural areas to not produce off-the-counter health workers, help grass-roots medical personnel to improve their political ideology and technological level, popularize health knowledge, carry out mass patriotic health campaigns, and especially manage good stools. , drinking water and doing a good job of family planning propaganda work. The organizational form of the medical team must be based on time, flexibility, and the combination of fixed points and roaming medical care. To do a good job in touring medical work must be done at the local party
经期舒系由当归、川芎等5味中药组成的复方制剂,具有补血调经,消炎止痛之功效,为探讨其作用机理,证实疗效。笔者进行了药效学研究。 实验材料及仪器 动物 昆明种小白鼠,雌性
我们在注重提高记忆力的同时 ,也有必要学会遗忘。首先 ,学会遗忘有利于增强记忆。有位学者记忆力超人 ,当有人问他有什么秘诀时 ,那位学者哈哈一笑回答道 :要记住有用的东西
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头痛是许多种病的症状,如果不查清头痛的病因,抓住实质进行治疗,就会药不对症,治不好病,甚至还导致不可弥补的损失。对此,我有过深切的体会。 Headache is a symptom of ma
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临床使用补肾中药骨痹丸治疗氟骨症效果满意。为了进一步探讨其疗效机理是否通过脱释骨氟入血,由尿排出而进行此实验,现将结果报告如下。1 材料与方法1.1 模型确定 选包头西