浅部真菌的发病率在大学生中一直很高,大学新生中浅部真菌病的患病率为6.1%[1]。根据大学生浅部真菌病发病特点和大学生的条件因素,我们试用2%碘酊治疗,现报告如下。1对象和方法1.1对象2013年3—6月,选择门诊皮肤浅部真菌病患者166例,男116例,女50例,年龄为17~26岁,平均21.2岁,症状与体征典型,真菌直接镜检阳性,病程7 d~5年。随机
The prevalence of superficial fungi has consistently been high among undergraduates, with a prevalence of superficial fungal disease of 6.1% in freshmen [1]. According to the characteristics of the incidence of superficial mycosis of college students and the conditions of college students, we try 2% iodine tincture treatment, are as follows. 1 Subjects and Methods 1.1 Subjects From March to June 2013, 166 outpatients with superficial mycosis of the skin were selected, including 116 males and 50 females, aged from 17 to 26 years (average 21.2 years) with typical signs and symptoms, fungal direct Mirror positive, duration of 7 d ~ 5 years. random