退役运动员就业一直是体育界以及社会所关注的热点问题。大量运动员因为训练的原因导致伤病、文化水平低下、与社会脱节等就,退役后的就业形式非常严峻。作为冷门项目的艺术体操退役运动员的就业问题就更加受到体育界的格外关注。通过文献资料法和问卷调查法分析艺术体操运动员退役后的就业去向和工作满意程度,为未来艺术体操退役运动员的就业提供趋势性的参考与建议。结论 :1)随着社会形态发展,艺术体操退役运动员自主创业呈全方位扩散的趋势;2)艺术体操退役运动员的职业性质全方位渗透;3)所调查退役运动员参与工作的工作环境有待提高。
Retirement athletes employment has always been a hot issue in sports and society. A large number of athletes because of training causes injury, low level of education, social disjunction and so on, the retired employment form is very serious. The employment of retired gymnastics as a popular gymnastics gymnastics is even more concerned by the sports community. Through the methods of literature review and questionnaire, this paper analyzes the employment destination and job satisfaction of rhythmic gymnasts after retirement, and provides trendy reference and suggestions for the future employment of rhythmic gymnastics retired athletes. Conclusion: 1) With the development of social form, retired gymnasts of rhythmic gymnastics tend to start their own businesses in an all-encompassing manner; 2) the occupational nature of rhythmic gymnastics retired athletes is fully infiltrated; 3) the working environment for the retired athletes surveyed needs to be improved.