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液压软管总成系建筑机械液压系统中主要的液压元件,由于选择与使用不当而经常出现故障,甚至造成主机的长期停机。来自用户的信息反馈,也经常反映出这些问题。为此,建筑机械液压软管总成的选择与使用问题,越来越引起主机厂、配套厂和用户的重视。一、液压软管总成的组成与型式 1.液压软管总成的组成液压软管总成由液压胶管(或树脂软管)和金属管接头组成。液压胶管由外胶层、增强层和内胶层构成。内胶层直接与液压油接触,一般采用丁腈橡胶,在长期工作状态下不受流体腐蚀,能防漏;增强层是液压胶管的骨架,主要起承受压力的作用;外胶层粘附在增强层上起保护作用,一般采用 The hydraulic hose assembly is the main hydraulic component in the hydraulic system of the construction machinery and often fails due to improper selection and use, and even causes long-term shutdown of the host. Information feedback from users often reflects these issues. For this reason, the selection and use of construction machinery hydraulic hose assemblies has increasingly attracted the attention of host plants, supporting plants and users. First, the composition and type of hydraulic hose assembly 1. Hydraulic hose assembly The hydraulic hose assembly consists of hydraulic hose (or resin hose) and metal pipe joints. The hydraulic hose consists of an outer rubber layer, a reinforcing layer and an inner rubber layer. The inner rubber layer is in direct contact with the hydraulic oil and is generally made of nitrile rubber. It is not corroded by fluid during long-term working conditions and can be leak-proof. The reinforcing layer is the skeleton of the hydraulic hose and is mainly used to withstand the pressure; the outer rubber layer adheres to The enhancement layer plays a protective role, generally used
■ 终于过年啦,嗬,到处都是响亮的鞭炮声,真热闹!  ■ 我都被劈里啪啦的声音弄昏啦!  ■ 我发现无论是逢年过节,还是商店开张,我们中国人好像只要是表示喜庆,就要放鞭炮呢!  ■ 你才发现啊!其实这个习俗已有2000多年的历史了。  ■ 2000多年前?那时有鞭炮吗?  ■ 当时没有火药,没有纸张,人们用火烧烤竹子,使之爆裂发声,以驱逐瘟神,这当然是迷信,但这就是鞭炮的雏形。到了唐朝,鞭炮又被人