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1989年10月初,新疆自治区文物普查办公室巴州队在该州尉犁县进行文物普查时,发现据县城东约150公里的因半一片墓葬被盗掘。普查队员把被盗墓葬依次编号,按墓号收集了散弃在墓室内外的文物,并对个别被破坏的墓葬进行清理,现将墓地调查情况,被盗掘墓葬的清理以及采集到的文物报告如下: 一墓地自然地理环境墓地位于库鲁克塔格山南麓,距兴地山南的下口处约7公里。在已干涸的孔雀河河 At the beginning of October 1989, the Bazhou team of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region’s cultural census office found that about 150 kilometers east of the county seat was stolen for a half-piece of tombs during the census of cultural relics in Yuli County. The census officers successively numbered the stolen tombs and collected the cultural relics scattered inside and outside the tomb according to the tomb numbers. The individual tombs were cleaned up. The investigation of the cemetery, the cleanup of the stolen tombs and the cultural relics collected were reported as follows : A cemetery natural geographical environment The cemetery is located in the south of Kuruk Tag Mountains, Xing Shan Shan from the mouth about 7 km. In the dried up Peacock River
目的:探讨血清乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)水平作为鉴别巨幼红细胞性贫血和自身免疫性溶血性贫血的临床指导意义。方法:将我院2000年-2016年收治的巨幼红细胞性贫血(megaloblastic anemi