Kris Bronner是一位受过高等教育的美国职业女性。五年多来,她凭着顽强的毅力,辗转于中国大地,在世界各国的报刊写了许多介绍中国的文章,为增进中国与世界人民的相互了解作出了贡献。她给自己起了一个中国名字“金太阳”,她的事迹曾被中央电视台、江苏电视台等多家媒体报道过,这篇文章是她在中国逗留期间,对南京一所中学初一学生就如何学英语所做的报告。(秋玲)
Kris Bronner is a highly educated American professional woman. For more than five years, she has been persevering in perseverance and has been mobilized in China. She has written many articles introducing China in the newspapers and magazines of various countries in the world and contributed to the mutual understanding between the peoples of China and the world. She gave her a Chinese name “Golden Sun”. Her deeds were reported by many media such as CCTV and Jiangsu TV. This article was about how her junior high school student in Nanjing was during her stay in China. Learn English to do the report. (Qiu Ling)