The famous Chinese doctor Hu Huanzhang devoted himself to studying Chinese and Western medicine for a lifetime, and dialectically studied the differences and complementarities between Chinese and Western medicine. Now his theory is introduced to better study Chinese and Western medicine. Hu Huanzhang believes that the essential difference between Chinese and Western medicine is reflected in the way of thinking, the research object, etc., which means that complementarity is necessary. Complementarity can be said that the premise of the combination, there is no real by no means no combination. The basic premise of complementarity is to maintain their independence, because of the length and breadth of Chinese and Western medicine, complementarity can improve the diagnostic accuracy, providing a more diverse medical options. To be complementary, the premise is knowing each other - both to understand each other’s history of growth, but also understand the development of their respective characteristics of the formation of internal and external causes. At the same time, Hu Huanzhang also points out the feasibility of the complementary theory of Chinese and Western medicine from four aspects. The four aspects include the overall and partial complementarity, the complementarity between macro and micro, the complementarity between disease differentiation and syndrome differentiation, / Complementary therapy instead.