Proteomic Analysis of Macrophages: A Potential Way to Identify Novel Proteins Associated with Activa

来源 :中国免疫学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lmh116
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One major mechanism through which macrophages effectively kill tumor cells requires cell to cell contact,indicating that certain molecules expressed on cell surface of activated macrophages may mediate the tumoricidal capability. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and nitric oxide (NO) are the two classical mediators of tumor cell death.However, evidence of discrepancy is accumulating indicating these known mediators do not appear to account for the broad and potent tumoricidal activity of macrophages. To obtain a full repertoire of tumoricidal activationassociated membrane proteins, we combined one-dimensional SDS-PAGE with capillary liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Using this technique, we identified 454 activated macrophage specifically expressed proteins with extremely high confidence, including most known activation markers of macrophages,such as NO synthase (iNOS), Ym1, cyclooxygenase, etc. Membrane bound TNF-α was also identified on activated macrophages. However, it was also detected on thioglycolate elicited macrophages, indicating this molecule may not play a key role in conjugation-dependent tumor cell killing. In contrast, although NO has not been assigned as an effector molecule of conjugation-dependent tumoricidal pathway, iNOS was identified from membrane fraction of activated macrophages, suggesting NO may be involved in conjugation-dependent tumoricidal mechanism,because iNOS association with plasma membrane is ideally suited to deliver NO directly into the contacted tumor cells. This research provides not only new insights into macrophage conjugation-dependent tumoricidal mechanisms, but also a valuable data set of macrophage activation associated membrane proteins, thus providing better understanding of the functional mechanisms of macrophages in anti-tumor and other biological processes.
【摘 要】目的:探讨血清血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)在小细胞肺癌中的诊疗价值。方法:采用放射免疫分析法(RIA)测定40例小细胞肺癌患者有淋巴结转移与无淋巴结转移,局限期与广泛期血清VEGF含量的变化,并同时测定正常对照组48例血清VEGF的含量。结果:小细胞肺癌患者血清VEGF浓度较健康对照高,差异有显著意义(p0.05,差异无显著意义。广泛期血清VEGF浓度高于局限期(p<0.05) ,差异
While only a small percentage of the liver as dendritic cells, they play a major role in the regulation of liver immunity. Four major types of dendritic cell su
HEL L P综合征是先兆子痫及子痫以后又一重度妊高征的表现形式 ,可引起孕产妇和围产儿死亡。为提高对该病的认识及重视程度 ,及时诊断和治疗 ,减少 HEL L P综合征所致孕产妇
【中图分类号】R714.22 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-6455(2012)01-0102-01  患者29岁,住院号1008,于2001年10月12日以孕3产2,孕20周因计划生育要求引产收住院。  患者本次为第三胎,末次月经2001年5月24日,孕期无明显异常。第一胎于6年前足月分娩,第二胎于2年前足月分娩。查体:T:36.5,P:86次/分,R20次 /分,BP12
【中图分类号】R714 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1008-6455(2012)01-0402-01  1 病情介绍  患者,女,28岁,孕3产1孕36+5周,B超提示“胎儿脑积水”,于2010年2月10日入院,要求终止妊娠,入院后完善相关检查,于当日3pm常规消毒,铺无菌巾行“利凡诺羊膜腔穿刺引产术”,于2010年2月12日4:00Am宫口开全,4:45Am经“穿颅毁胎术”,经