目的调查某校教职工心理健康状况及需求,为制定心理健康政策提供依据。方法采用自制的问卷按基本状况、对五年后生活变化的态度、心理困扰的问题、心理健康需求等四部分进行调查,所得资料用SPSS 11.5统计软件进行分析。结果45.43%的人认为五年后的生活水平会提高,9.70%的人认为会下降。困扰的心理压力主要是工作压力(32.47%)和人际关系(17.10%),心理需求主要是娱乐活动(23.71%)、心理测试(20.40%)和心理健康辅导及卫生讲座(19.40%),信息需求主要是心理健康保健(46.26%)、心理危机自我处理(13.52%)、处理人际关系技巧(13.36%),心理辅导的要求主要是如何放松自己的情绪(29.31%)、如何解决心理焦虑(19.40%)、如何面对不如意的事情(15.23%)等。结论制定相应的健康教育策略维护教职工的心理健康利益。
Objective To investigate the mental health and needs of faculty in a certain school and provide the basis for making mental health policy. Methods The self-made questionnaire was used to investigate the changes of attitude, psychological problems and mental health needs after five years according to the basic conditions. The data were analyzed by SPSS 11.5 statistical software. Results 45.43% of people think that after five years the standard of living will increase, 9.70% think it will decline. The main psychological stress was working stress (32.47%) and interpersonal relationship (17.10%). Psychological requirements were mainly entertainment activities (23.71%), psychological tests (20.40%) and mental health counseling and health lectures (19.40% The main demands are psychological health care (46.26%), psychological crisis self-treatment (13.52%), interpersonal skills (13.36%), psychological counseling mainly on how to relax their emotions (29.31%) and how to deal with psychological anxiety 19.40%), how to deal with unpleasant things (15.23%) and so on. Conclusions Develop health education strategies to maintain the mental health benefits of faculty and staff.