在古往今来脍炙人口的绝唱中,最能为当代国人所传诵者,当首推毛泽东的七律《长征》一诗。《长征》诗的手迹,就现在所知,仅有两件,一是延安时期,毛泽东曾书赠美国记者斯诺;一是 60年代初赠李银桥的,这就是国人熟知的《长征》诗手迹。《长征》诗及此幅手迹,被人们称为当
Among the most popular songs sung in the past, most of those who have been chanted by contemporary Chinese people should pay due attention to Mao Zedong’s seven-character Long March poem. There are only two pieces of handwriting of the Long March poem so far. First, in the Yanan period, Mao Tse-tung presented the American reporter Snow. First, he handed Li Yinqiao in the early 1960s. This is the handwritten signature of the Long March . “Long March” poem and this handwriting, is called when