夏天无系罂粟科紫堇属无柄紫堇[Coryda-lis decumbens(Thunb)Pers.(Corydalis ama-bills Migo)]的干燥块茎,广泛分布在我国南方各省。对风湿性关节炎、腰肌劳损、脑血管意外引起的偏瘫等疾病有较好的疗效。药理研究曾报道,夏天无注射液具有较明显而持久的扩张血管作用、降压作用及类似士的宁的兴奋中枢神经(主要是兴奋脊髓)的作用。关于夏天无的成分,国外曾分离到原阿片碱(protopine)、右旋四氢巴马丁(d-te-trahydropalmatine)、紫堇碱(bulbocapnine)、
In the summer, the dry tubers of Coryda-lis decumbens (Thunb) Pers. (Corydalis ama-bills Migo) were not widely distributed in the southern provinces of China. It has a good effect on rheumatic arthritis, lumbar muscle strain, and hemiplegia caused by cerebrovascular accidents. Pharmacological studies have reported that no injections in the summer have a more pronounced and long-lasting vasodilator effect, antihypertensive effect, and strychnine-like stimulation of the central nervous system (mainly the excitatory spinal cord). Regarding the summer-free ingredients, protopine, d-te-trahydropalmatine and bulbocanine were isolated in foreign countries.