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蒙古包古老的毡帐建筑艺术呼和浩特市文物处张晓东我国北疆大漠南北,蒙古草原,自古以来一直为游牧民族繁衍生息的地区。赖以辽阔的草原,以游牧狩猎为生存手段,逐水草而迁居,为适应这样的生活习俗,北方游牧民族创造出一种可随时搬迁活动的毡帐居住建筑,根据本地区的... Ancient yurtacks of yurt Architecture Art Department Zhang Xiaodong, Department of Cultural Relics, Hohhot China Northern and Southern desert areas in northern Xinjiang, Mongolia grasslands, since ancient times has been a multiplication of nomadic tribes in the region. Relying on vast grasslands, nomadic hunting as a means of survival, water and grass moved to settle, in order to adapt to such a living custom, the northern nomads to create a removable activity at any time blanket residential buildings, according to the region ...