据河南农业科技报道,枣树根外追肥,对提高枣树坐果率,增加产量有明显作用。喷施适期在蕾期,终花期,果肉快速生长期进行。喷肥要求:肥液随配随喷,多在午前午后进行,大风或降雨天不宜喷施。为提高肥液的沾着力,每桶水加入10克洗衣粉。喷量以叶的两面喷湿为度。若喷后24小时内降雨,天晴后应立即补喷。以1/200尿素十1/1000磷酸二氢钾混合喷施效果最好,增产11.6%;单喷磷酸二氢钾,增产 10.5%;单喷1/200尿素溶
According to Henan Agricultural Science and Technology Report, jujube root top dressing, to improve jujube fruit setting rate, increase production has a significant role. Spraying appropriate period in the bud, the final flowering period, rapid growth of the pulp. Fertilizer requirements: with liquid fertilizer with spray, mostly in the afternoon before afternoon, windy or rainy days should not be sprayed. In order to improve the adhesion of fertilizer, add 10 grams of detergent per barrel of water. Spray volume sprayed on both sides of the leaves for the degree. If the rain within 24 hours after the spray, spray immediately after the fine fill. 1/200 Urea 1/1000 1/1000 potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixed spraying the best, yield 11.6%; single-spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate, yield 10.5%; single spray 1/200 urea solution