
来源 :跨语言文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803_shijiwu
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本文首先从词汇概念构造(Lexical Conceptual Structure=LCS)理论出发,假设日语他动词「しめる」的多义性的派生与宾语名词句的特性有关。针对这一假设,本人对大量的例句进行了全面的分析。结果发现,「しめる」一词虽是达成动词(acc-omplishment verb),但作为其多义性的核心(词汇概念结构=LexicalConc Structu-re)不仅在它的后项,即「しめる」动作的对象词语中既可以出现表示形状变化的宾语名词句的构造,也可以出现「しめる」动作场所位置变化的宾语名词句的构造。因此,本论文对多义性他动词「しめる」一词所提出的假设是成立的,即他动词「しめる」所表现出的多义性的主要原因是由于它自身的特性与宾语名词句的特性相结合而产生的。 In this paper, we start from Lexical Conceptual Structure (LCS) theory and assume that the derivation of the polysemy of Japanese verb “shi め ru” is related to the characteristics of object nouns. In response to this assumption, I conducted a comprehensive analysis of a large number of examples. As a result, it was found that although the word “shi ru ru” is an acc-omplishment verb, its core of ambiguity (Lexical Concept Structure = LexicalConc Structu-re) is not limited to the latter term, “shi shi ru” The object words may have a structure of object nouns indicating a change in shape or a structure of object nouns that may change the position of a “shi shi ru” action site. Therefore, the thesis puts forward the hypothesis of the verb “shi shi ru” in the thesis, that is, the main reason why the verb “shi shi ru” shows the meaning of ambiguity is due to its own characteristics and the object noun phrase Features combine to produce.
惠东县,位于广东省东南部,滨临大亚湾和红海湾,处于珠江三角洲范围内,是广东省的沿海大县,又是山区县。深汕、广惠、惠深沿海、潮惠等4条高速和厦深高铁横贯县境,是广州通往粤东的交通枢纽。  惠东县地处北回归线以南,无霜期长,山清水秀,海阔景美,拥有中国大陆架唯一的海龟自然保护区和被称为“广东亚龙湾”的巽寮湾,是广东省顶级滨海旅游胜地。  惠东时尚女鞋制造大县,2006年获评“中国女鞋生产基地”,惠东也