12日至22日,为期三天的全区公共图书馆发展建设理论研讨暨为经济建设服务成果表彰会议在呼和浩特市召开。全区盟市文化局有关领导、图书馆长及研讨论文作者、读者代表近五十人参加了会议。文化部社会文化图书馆司、自治区文化厅、自治区科委等有关部门领导参加了会议。 20日上午会议举行了开幕式。自台区人大副主任王秀梅、政府副秘书长周廷芳出席了会议开幕式。开幕式由自治区文化厅副厅长刘兆和主持。厅长焦雪岱致开幕辞。他回顾了我区公共图书馆的发展历史,对建国以来我区公共图书馆的发展状况给予充分的肯定。同时指
From December 12 to 22, a three-day seminar on the development and construction of public libraries in the region and a commendation conference for the achievements of economic construction were held in Hohhot. Nearly 50 people, including leaders, librarians, authors of research papers and readers’ representatives from all over the city’s Cultural Bureau attended the conference. The leaders of the relevant departments such as the Social and Cultural Library Department of the Ministry of Culture, the Cultural Affairs Department of the Autonomous Region, the Science and Technology Commission of the Autonomous Region attended the meeting. The morning of the 20th held an opening ceremony. Wang Xiumei, deputy director of the NPC Standing Committee and Zhou Tingfang, deputy secretary general of the government, attended the opening ceremony of the meeting. The opening ceremony was hosted by Liu Zhaohe, deputy director of the department of culture of the autonomous region. Director Jiao Xue Dai gave an opening speech. He reviewed the history of the development of public libraries in our district and fully affirmed the development of public libraries in our region since the founding of the People’s Republic. Meanwhile