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10月10-11日,定西市安定区“国家水土保持生态文明区”通过水利部组织的专家评审。水利部总工程师汪洪担任专家组组长,中国科学院院士傅伯杰担任专家组副组长,水利部水土保持司巡视员张新玉主持评审会,省水利厅副厅长何春三出席并致辞。安定区位于甘肃省中部,自然条件严酷,是全国水土流失最为严重的县(区)之一。安定区委、区政府高度重视水土保持工作,制定了“水保立区”的发展战略,提出了“大水保、大生态、大战略”的工作理念,将水土保持生态建设工作纳入国民经济和社会发展规划,并列入重要议事议程和各级政府考核目标,坚持不懈,取得了显著的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益。安定区水土保持生态建设指导思想正确,目标明确,机构健全,制度完善,责任到位。建立了“政府导演、水保搭台、部门联动、同台唱戏、群众 October 10-11, Dingxi Anding District ”National Soil and Water Conservation Ecological Civilization Zone “ through expert assessment organized by the Ministry of Water Resources. Wang Hong, chief engineer of the Ministry of Water Resources, served as the expert group leader, and Fu Bojie, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, served as the deputy leader of the expert group. Zhang Xinyu, inspector of the Soil and Water Conservation Division of the Ministry of Water Resources, presided over the review meeting. He Chunzhao, deputy director of the Department of Water Resources attended and addressed. Located in the central part of Gansu Province, Anding District has harsh natural conditions and is one of the counties (districts) with the most serious soil erosion in the country. Anding District Committee, the district government attaches great importance to soil and water conservation work, developed a ”water protection legislation District“ development strategy, put forward the ”big water conservation, big ecology, grand strategy“ concept of the work of soil and water conservation ecological construction work Into the national economic and social development planning, and included in the agenda for the agenda and the government at all levels of assessment objectives, perseverance and achieved significant ecological, economic and social benefits. The guiding ideology of soil and water conservation and ecological construction in Anding District is correct, with clear goals, sound institutions, perfect system and full responsibility. Established a ”government director, water and soil set up the stage, departmental linkage, singing on the same stage, the masses
根据全球癌症统计报告[1]显示,我国2018年胃癌共新发病例45.6万,死亡病例39万,占全国所有癌症死亡的13.6%。因胃上皮内瘤变(Gastric intraepithelial neoplasia,GIN)属于癌前