在经过漫长的等待之后,笔者终于得到了盼望已久的“DIAMOND”公司出产的3D显示加速卡——MONSTER 3D(以下简称M3D)。这块卡的主芯片采用目前在欧美如日中天的3D加速晶片——3DFX VOODOO(VOODOO有时被音译成“巫毒”)。据3DFX公司声称,这块晶片的多边形处理能力可达100万个每秒(哇,玩目前所有的3D游戏也不成问题呀)。 这块卡采用与主显示卡并存的设计,是一块“独立作业”的3D图形加速卡。在用到它的时侯,就会自动接管显示输出(如玩FOR 3DFX的游戏时)。而您平常的工作,如看VCD、用WORD字处理之类还是原来的显示卡在起作用(所以您千万不要为了升级购买VOODOO先把旧显示卡卖了)。而如果您原来的显示卡是集成2D/3D加速功能的话(如S3virge,MGA系列),那么在用到3D加速时,通常Voodoo卡会自动覆盖掉您原来显卡的3D功能!
After a long wait, I finally got the long-awaited “DIAMOND” company’s 3D display accelerator card - Monster 3D (hereinafter referred to as M3D). The main chip of this card adopts 3D acceleration chip currently in Europe and America - 3DFX VOODOO (VOODOO is sometimes transliterated into “Voodoo”). According to 3DFX, the chip’s polygon processing capacity can reach 1 million per second (wow, playing all the current 3D games is not a problem Yeah). This card with the main graphics card co-existence design, is a “stand-alone” 3D graphics accelerator card. When using it, it will automatically take over the display output (such as playing FOR 3DFX game). And your usual work, such as watching VCD, using WORD word processing or the original graphics card at work (so you do not have to upgrade to buy VOODOO first old card sold). If your original graphics card is integrated with 2D / 3D acceleration functions (such as the S3virge, MGA series), Voodoo cards will automatically overwrite your original 3D graphics functions when using 3D acceleration!