Effect of alloying on the properties of 9Cr low activation martensitic steels

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thebestsolutions
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Two types of 9Cr low activation martensitic steels (named 9Cr-1 and 9Cr-2) were developed in University of Science and Technology Beijing.9Cr-1 and 9Cr-2 were produced by vacuum induction melting method,and examinations of the microstructures were carried out with X-ray diffraction analysis,optical microscopy,scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy.The ultimate tensile strength and yield tensile strength were evaluated with tensile tests.The impact properties were characterized with Charpy impact experiments.The results indicated that 9Cr-1 and 9Cr-2 on as-received condition (95 ℃/30 min/water quenching plus 780 ℃/90 min/air cooling) were fully martensitic steels free of δ-ferrite.The ultimate tensile strength of 9Cr-1 and 9Cr-2 were 695 MPa and 680 MPa,respectively.However,9Cr-2 showed a fine grain size of 4.8 μm,and its value of ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) was -90 ℃ under as-received condition.The additions of vanadium,titanium and boron accelerated the formation of MX precipitates and resulted in fine grains and precipitates.The fine grains effectively reduced the value of DBTT from -60 ℃ to -90 ℃ with identical upper shelf energy (USE).The decrease in silicon concentration of 9Cr-2 induced a slight reduction in ultimate tensile strength from 695 MPa to 680 MPa. Two types of 9Cr low activation martensitic steels (named 9Cr-1 and 9Cr-2) were developed in University of Science and Technology Beijing.9Cr-1 and 9Cr-2 were produced by vacuum induction melting method, and examinations of the microstructures were carried out with X-ray diffraction analysis, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. ultimate tensile strength and yield tensile strength were characterized with tensile tests. The impact properties were characterized with Charpy impact experiments. The results indicate that 9Cr-1 and 9Cr-2 on as-received condition (95 ° C / 30 min / water quenching plus 780 ° C / 90 min / air cooling) were fully martensitic steels free of δ-ferrite.The ultimate tensile strength of 9Cr-1 and 9Cr-2 9Cr-2 showed a fine grain size of 4.8 μm, and its value of ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) was -90 ° C under as-received condition. The additions of vanadium, titanium and boron accelerated the formation of MX precipitates and resulted in fine grains and precipitates. The fine grains effectively reduced the value of DBTT from -60 ° C. to -90 ° C. with the same upper shelf energy (USE). The decrease in silicon concentration of 9Cr-2 induced a slight reduction in ultimate tensile strength from 695 MPa to 680 MPa.
梅贻琦说:“所谓学之大,非有大楼之谓也,乃有大师之谓也.”2016 年,中央音乐学院俞峰院长邀请德高望重的老教授们重回讲台,为全校师生开设选修课,真是一件幸事!其中就有复调
“中国音乐基础课训练”是我读硕士时的研究方向,当时的论文题目是“中国音乐基础课教材构想”,在 2005 年毕业论文答辩时,曾被问及这一方向是否具有研究价值;2009 年我进入
1  父亲发来一张照片,告诉我老屋已被夷为平地。 大铲车不费吹灰之力,二十年的老屋顷刻间成了一堆砖块与散碎木头,尘土伴着砖粉在空中扬起一层浅褐色的浪又缓缓 落下。这让我想起一个成语,尘埃落定。当最后一粒尘土落定 的时候,老屋不复存在,目睹这一切的父母心中应该五味杂陈。  在一条公路面前,老屋也该是一粒尘土。只是这粒尘土 承载了一个家庭二十年的时光,承载了两个孩子的童年。  最后一次去老屋是和母亲、
腊月二十三小年一大早,母亲就给我打来电话,要我 中午下班后先去家里吃饺子,然后和她一起去家具店把我 先前看中的书柜和书架都定下来,母亲一再地强调说她现 在每月都有收入,这么些年也没给我买过什么,这次我搬 新家,一定要送给我一个心仪的书柜。听着从电话那头传 过来的母亲的笑声,想想那个有着一间大书房的新家,我 不禁对着手机微笑起来,是啊!我和母亲的心愿终于都实 现了。  母亲当了大半辈子的家庭妇女,念