根据提钒尾渣直接还原-电炉熔分新工艺对球团强度的要求,对提钒尾渣内配碳球团压力成型工艺、内配碳球团中温强度及爆裂温度进行了实验研究。结果表明:在成型压力9 MPa,PVA添加量0.3%,膨润土添加量0.9%,水分10%,煤粉添加量16%的条件下,生球强度最佳;适当增加膨润土配比,可提高球团的中温强度,膨润土添加量为0.9%时中温强度达到最大;球团的爆裂温度在750~850℃之间,膨润土可以提高球团的爆裂温度,膨润土添加量为0.9%时,1 000℃下球团未发现表观裂纹和爆裂现象。
According to the request of the new technology of melting vanadium tailings to the pellet strength, the carbon pellet pressure forming process in the tailing of vanadium extraction was carried out, and the temperature and burst temperature of carbon pellets were experimentally studied. The results showed that under the conditions of forming pressure of 9 MPa, PVA addition amount of 0.3%, bentonite addition of 0.9%, moisture of 10% and pulverized coal addition of 16%, the ball strength was the best. The mid-temperature strength of the pellets reached the maximum when the amount of bentonite added was 0.9%. The burst temperature of the pellets was between 750 and 850 ℃. Bentonite could improve the burst temperature of the pellets. When the amount of bentonite was 0.9% Under the pellet did not find apparent cracks and burst phenomenon.