一、藥品配製法 為使用方便,不致混亂,故分為兩組,在藥瓶標上注明「第Ⅰ組」「第Ⅱ組」字樣。第Ⅰ組:或簡稱(APG) 70%酒精 10毫升 70%甘油 10毫升青黴素(20萬單位) 1瓶混合第Ⅱ組:或簡稱(ASG) 70%酒精 10毫升 70%甘油 10毫升鏈黴素(1克) 1瓶混合青黴素和鏈黴素的原瓶塞不用打開,先注入70%甘油稀釋後,再注入70%酒精振盪幾下即配
First, the drug preparation method For ease of use, not confusion, it is divided into two groups, marked on the bottle marked “Group I” “Group II” words. Group I: or abbreviation (APG) 70% alcohol 10 ml 70% glycerol 10 ml penicillin (200,000 units) 1 bottle mixed Group II: or (ASG) 70% alcohol 10 ml 70% glycerin 10 ml streptomycin (1g) 1 bottle of penicillin and streptomycin mixed without using the original stopper, first diluted with 70% glycerol, then injected with 70% alcohol to oscillate several times