纪家萱 蹁跹舞出我人生

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年中辞世的舞蹈界泰斗皮娜·鲍什曾说过:“我跳舞,因为我悲伤。”对于26岁的津门姑娘纪家萱来说,应该是:我跳舞,因为我痴迷。正是源于这份热恋,她不满14岁便毅然加入天津武警文工团,只为可以整天地翩然起舞……在群芳争艳的舞蹈圈,纪家萱仿似一只等待破茧而出的蚕蛹,其他的舞者姹紫嫣红地怒放着,却不见一只是如她一般的血红色。蚕蛹破茧化蝶,蹁跹舞晴空,原本是大自然最奇异的生命衍变现象,可当她舞在央视大厅时,却如同暗夜盛开的曼陀罗,弥散着致命的魅惑。那一时刻,只望见她和那只蝶,偌大的天与地,仿佛都是她们的。恰好的年纪里,取得相应的成绩,需要难得的机遇。而纪家萱告诉世人,永远不要轻言放弃,无论是事业还是生活,在最曼妙的年华拥有最昂扬的斗志,那么将来,你也会无悔这一世。海棠如醉,桃花欲暖,这朵“军花”直言还有很多梦要去追,比如说绽放在纽约的卡内基大厅…… Pina Paucher, the dying dancer of the middle age, once said: “I dance because I am sad.” For Ji Jinuan, a 26-year-old Jinmen girl, I should dance because I was obsessed. It is from this love, she will be less than 14-year-old will resolutely join the Tianjin Armed Police Art Troupe, only to dance all day long ...... In the colorful dance circles, Ji Jiasuan like a silkworm pupa, The other dancers blossomed in full bloom, but they did not see a red blood like her. Silkworm chrysalis cocoon butterfly, Qionglai dance sky, was originally the most amazing natural life phenomenon, but when she dance in the CCTV hall, but it is like the night in full bloom Datura, dispersed with fatal charm. At that moment, only to see her and the butterfly, great heaven and earth, as if all of them. In just the right age, achieving the corresponding result requires a rare opportunity. Ji Jixuan told the world, never give up, never forget either career or life, in the most graceful years have the most high morale, then in the future, you will regret this life. Begonia intoxicated, Peach want to warm, this flower “Flower ” bluntly there are many dreams to chase, such as blooming Carnegie Hall in New York ......