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实行钢锭钢坯控温均热与加热,减少坯材缺陷提高成材率,降低均热与加热燃耗(简称钢的KJT工艺),是国内外钢铁企业降耗增利的主要措施之一。鞍钢每年因钢坯钢材废品损失钢材8×10~4t,价值65u0万元。大量缺陷坯落地精整,影响热装温度,增加能耗和工时,降低生产能力,有的缺陷还直接影响人身与设备安全。 The implementation of slab billet temperature control and heating, reducing the defects of billet to improve the finished product rate, reduce the soaking and heating fuel consumption (referred to as the steel KJT process) is one of the major measures of reducing consumption and increasing profits of domestic and foreign steel companies. Anshan Iron and Steel scrap each year due to the loss of steel 8 × 10 ~ 4t, the value of 65u0 million. A large number of defects blank finishing, affecting the hot loading temperature, increase energy consumption and working hours, reduce production capacity, and some defects also directly affect the safety of personal and equipment.
The influence of shear deformation on the behaviour of Mg and Zn impurities as well asself-interstitial atoms in Al was studied using molecular dynamics method
The mechanism of the interfacial reaction of Al_2O_3/medium Mn steel containing Nb was studied bymeans of the observation on the interfacial reaction phenomeno
向您提供S20系列及 S25系列树脂砂混砂机我厂生产的 S20系列间歇式及 S25系列连续式树脂砂混砂机具有国内八十年代先进水平,国产化率达100%。这种混砂机具有效率高、能耗低
本文归纳总结了在普通高校篮球课教学中一些行之有效的比赛教学方法,阐明了比赛教学法在篮球课教学中的重要性,并提出了在实施过程中应注意的几个问题。 This article summa
本文对静电粉末涂装供粉箱的漏粉现象和解决方法进行了分析研究,介绍一种用金属填补胶粘堵的做法,以供有关厂家参考。 In this paper, electrostatic powder coating for po