近几年来,据临床观察,由于洗胃机及其他措施的改变,死于入院24小时~7天,“反跳或猝死者”有所增加。 1 反跳原因 1.1 残毒继续吸收中毒。 1.2 阿托品停用过早或减量过快。如对阿托品化判断失误;(1)发现部分有机磷中毒病人在治疗过程在有假阿托品化表现,即病人入院后经一两次较大剂量阿托品注射后即出现瞳孔散大,烦躁不安,心率增快的表现;(2)出现尿潴留后,不敢用阿托品或立即减量者;(3)误将脑水肿所致的瞳孔散大,烦躁、心跳快看作阿托品化。
In recent years, according to clinical observation, due to changes in gastric lavage machines and other measures, died from admission 24 hours to 7 days, “rebound or sudden death,” have increased. A rebound causes 1.1 residual poison continue to absorb poisoning. 1.2 atropine discontinued too early or too fast reduction. (1) found that some patients with organophosphate poisoning in the treatment process in the presence of a false atropine, that is, after admission to the patient after a larger dose of atropine injection appeared mydriasis, restlessness, heart rate Faster performance; (2) urinary retention, did not dare to use atropine or reduce immediately; (3) mistakenly brain dilated mydriasis, irritability, rapid heart rate as atropine.