
来源 :大连近代史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rongcs
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笔迹鉴定的神秘性,挡住许多学者的路。笔者在研读了笔迹鉴定学之后,破除了这一专业工作的神秘性。本文将甲午战争北洋舰队最后投降时的四封降书,选取其中共用的关键字和关键词,进行了一一的比对。结果发现,这四封降书均出自一人之手,证实了丁汝昌并未写过降书,从而摘掉了长期以来强加在丁汝昌头上的帽子。 The mystery of handwriting identification, blocking the way many scholars. The author studied the handwriting identification, breaking the mystery of this professional work. In this paper, the four surrenders of the Beiyang Fleet during the last surrender of the Sino-Japanese War were selected and their common key words and keywords were selected for comparison. The results showed that all four books were from one hand, confirming that Ding Ruchang did not write down the book, thus removing the long imposed on Ding Ruchang head hat.
怎样把德育有机地渗透到语文教学中呢?总的来说,要根据语文教学的特点来进行。    一、通过分析字、词、句、段渗透德育    任何作家都是通过语言文字来反映现实,表达思想的,只有细致地分析文章的语言,学生才能深刻地理解作品的思想,从而照亮学生的心灵,引起他们的共鸣。  通过字词辐射讲明课文的内在思想性,使学生由技能的学习提高,直至思想的升华。  语文课中有的文章里总有一、二个重点句子,基本都能概括全