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山西省长治县地处太行山部,漳河水畔,中华民族的始祖炎帝曾在这里尝百草、识五谷、设都城,创立了中国最早的国家——黎国。长治县历史悠久,人文深厚,资源丰富,俗有“煤海铁府”之称,县内煤炭资源丰富,地质储量48.5亿吨,是全国100个重点煤县之一。2010年,全县地区生产总值达96.4亿元,财政总收入达到30.3亿元、农民人均纯收入达到了7693元。财政收入列长治市第一,跨入全省五强。 Changzhi County, Shanxi Province is located in the Taihang Mountains, Zhang River waterfront, the ancestor of the Chinese nation Yandi tasted here Baicao, know grain, set the capital, founded China’s earliest country - Li. Changzhi County has a long history, rich human resources, rich resources, vulgar “coal sea iron ” said, the county is rich in coal resources, geological reserves of 4.85 billion tons, is one of the 100 key coal counties. In 2010, the GDP of the entire county reached 9.64 billion yuan, the total fiscal revenue reached 3.03 billion yuan, and the per capita net income of farmers reached 7693 yuan. Financial income column Changzhi City, into the top five in the province.
1938年8月至1942年5月,陈独秀在重庆江津度过了人生最后4年时光。他先在江津县城、施家大院等地小住。1939年5月,陈独秀与妻子潘兰珍蛰居江津县乡下偏僻的鹤山坪上的杨家石墙院,在这里,他“谈笑少鸿儒,往来多草根”。  笔者从事江津地方党史和文史工作多年,因工作原因,采访过许多当年与陈独秀交往过的草根人物,这里记叙的,就是当年陈独秀与江津百姓交往的故事。  吃春酒  “春酒”是巴渝人家在春节至