
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xj2jx0oo0
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煤炭作为我国的主要能源和重要的战略物资,在未来相当长的时期内,仍处于十分重要的地位。在煤矿开发建设项目建设和生产运行期间,会产生大量的水土流失,若不采取相应的防护措施,则会对周边环境造成不可估量的损失。通过对煤矿开发建设项目的特点及其在开发建设过程中造成水土流失的特点及危害进行全面分析,提出了在煤矿开发建设过程中水土流失的防治对策:一是要贯彻执行国家法律法规,二是要推广应用先进的开采技术,三是要净化利用矿井外排废水,四是要恢复整治采空沉陷区域,五是要改善优化矿区生态环境。 As a major energy source and an important strategic material in our country, coal is still in a very important position for a long time to come. During the construction and production operation of coal mine development and construction projects, a great deal of soil and water loss will occur. Without corresponding protective measures, it will cause immeasurable losses to the surrounding environment. Through a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of coal mine development and construction projects and the characteristics and hazards of soil erosion caused during the development and construction, the measures to prevent and control soil and water loss during the development and construction of coal mines are put forward. First, we must implement the national laws and regulations, Is to promote the application of advanced mining technology, the third is to purify the use of mine efflux wastewater, the fourth is to rehabilitate the goaf and subsidence area, the fifth is to improve the ecological environment optimization mine.
四物颗粒和四物合剂对小鼠尾失血所致的血红蛋白和红细胞数降低有明显升高作用 ;能使大鼠离体子宫的张力降低 ,并能对抗缩宫素引起的子宫痉挛性收缩 ;对小鼠热板和醋酸致痛均
近年来,体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)技术发展迅速,获得多个高质量卵母细胞是治疗成功的关键[1],而影响卵子质量和数量的因素包括患者因素、控制性促排卵(controlled ovarian stimulation,COS)方案及各种来源的药物,其中促性腺激素(Gn)药物促排卵是COS的重要环节[2].而使用促性腺激素释放激素激动剂(GnRH-a)进行垂体降调节对于促排卵方案是一个里程碑式的进步
目的 探讨白内障超声乳化不同切口对术后泪膜稳定性的影响.方法 选择2010年1月至2012年12月,在我院附属三院行超声乳化的白内障患者82例(149只眼)作为研究对象,采用分层随机化区组方法随机分为A组(40例,72只眼)和B组(42例,77只眼),A组行透明角膜切口,B组采用巩膜反眉型隧道切口,比较2组患者术后的主观感觉,泪液分泌量,泪膜破裂时间和角膜切口染色情况.结果 2组患者主观感觉情况、