上海城市轨道交通莘闵线最小曲线半径为300 m,处于高架桥地段,轨道结构设计为专用的无碴轨道承轨台和支撑块,文章计算分析了该专用轨道结构无缝线路的安全性,结果表明,该线具有足够的稳定性储备,投入使用后运行安全稳定。
The minimum curve radius of Xinmin Line in Shanghai urban rail transit is 300 m, in the viaduct section, the track structure is designed as a dedicated ballastless rail bearing platform and support block. The article analyzes and calculates the safety of the special track structure seamless line, The results show that the line has sufficient stability reserve, put into operation safe and stable operation.