许多中亚穆斯林史料都提到乌兹别克有九十二部,这些是探讨乌兹别克族源和形成问题的宝贵线索。但这九十二部是哪些,说法不尽相同。我们依据如下五部文献编译这份资料。 (甲)《东方全史》[tarixi xεmsε ∫εrqi]。作者为新疆塔城塔塔尔大学者库尔班外力·哈力丁(1846—1913)。是书有专章讨论乌兹别克人的起源,列举了乌兹别克九十二部名。据称此系抄自二、三百早前的一部写本。他坚信这份材料是可靠的。
Many Central Asian Muslims mention 92 Uzbekistan sources as valuable sources for exploring the ethnic origins and formation of Uzbeks. However, these 92 are what, not the same argument. We compile this material based on the following five articles. (A) “Oriental History” [tarixi xεmsε ∫εrqi]. The author is from Tartar University in Tartar, Kurban, External force · Haleidin (1846-1913). It is a book devoted to the origins of Uzbeks, enumerating 92 Uzbek names. It is said that the system copied two or three hundred earlier books. He firmly believes that this material is reliable.