建设实训基地加强实践教学 ——浅议高职教育中筑装饰设计教学改革

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一、市场对建筑装饰设计专业人才提出新的要求在经济全球化的深入发展和我国加入世贸组织的新形势下,各行各业将在更大范围和更高层次上参与国际经济合作与竞争,要想保持强大竞争力,除了加快科技进步和创新,培养大批高素质的科技和管理人员之外,还必须培养大量应用型的技术人员和操作型的技术工人。与此同时,我国正处于全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化的新的发展阶段,人们的住房条件得到了普遍的改善,在这样的新形势下,房地产业、建筑业、装饰材料业的迅速发展,带动了建筑室内外装饰市场的活跃。企业对建筑装饰设计人员、建筑装饰管理人员、建筑装饰施工人员的素质的要求将会更高。从各种人才市场招聘会或每年一度的大中专供需见面会上,都可以看到这样一种现象,几乎所有的企业、公司都要求应聘者需有2至3年的实际工作经验,于是很多应届大、中专设 I. Market New Requirements for Architectural Decoration Design Professionals Under the new situation of deepening economic globalization and China’s accession to the WTO, all walks of life will participate in international economic cooperation and competition on a larger scale and at a higher level, In order to maintain a strong competitive edge, in addition to accelerating scientific and technological progress and innovation and cultivating a large number of highly qualified scientific and technological personnel, it is also necessary to cultivate a large number of application-oriented technicians and operation-type skilled workers. At the same time, our country is in a new stage of development of building an overall well-to-do society and accelerating the socialist modernization. People’s housing conditions have been generally improved. Under such a new situation, the real estate industry, construction industry and decoration materials industry Rapid development, led the construction of indoor and outdoor decoration market activity. Enterprises on the building decoration designers, construction and decoration managers, construction and decoration workers of the quality requirements will be even higher. From a variety of talent market job fairs or annual meeting of colleges and universities to meet demand and supply, we can see such a phenomenon, almost all companies, companies require applicants need 2-3 years of practical work experience, so A lot of freshmen, secondary specialized
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你是一位失败者吗?那太好了。因为诸多研究表明,如果你想成为一名成功人士,就必须学会面对失败。 Are you a loser? That’s great. Because many studies show that if you
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为学生营造宽松和谐的听力氛围,以调动学生听的兴趣为主导,培养学生的听的技能。 For students to create a relaxed and harmonious listening atmosphere, in order to mo