控制钉螺是阻断血吸虫病传播的主要措施之一 ,而药物灭螺仍是控制钉螺的重要方法。目前 ,我国灭螺药物的研究和应用呈现“百花齐放 ,百家争鸣”的局面。为了达到科技创新 ,交流经验的目的 ,本编辑部举办《灭螺论坛》,让国内外专家畅所欲言 ,也欢迎广大读者发表意见
Snail control is one of the main measures to block the spread of schistosomiasis, while snail control is still an important method of controlling snails. At present, the research and application of snail control drugs in our country present the situation of “letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend.” In order to achieve the scientific and technological innovation, exchange of experience for the purpose, the editorial department held a “snail Forum”, so that experts at home and abroad speak freely, but also welcome the majority of readers express their views