
来源 :中国实用护理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moodlysea
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目的:描述精神科护士人文关怀品质现状,分析精神科护士人文关怀品质影响因素,并探讨精神科护士人文关怀品质与职业价值观、组织支持感之间的关系。方法:采用多阶段分层整群抽样,于2018年5-8月选取全国43所精神专科医院或综合医院精神科护士(共5 003名)为研究对象,采用一般资料问卷、护理人文关怀品质量表、组织支持感问卷(POS)和护士职业价值观量表(NPVS-R)进行问卷调查。结果:5 003名精神科护士护理人文关怀品质量表总均分为(4.21 ± 0.63)分,其中人文关怀知识维度、人文关怀能力维度方面较好,分别为(4.27 ± 0.65)、(4.21 ± 0.67)分,而人文关怀理念维度和人文关怀感知维度较为薄弱,分别为(4.16 ± 0.66)、(4.17 ± 0.66)分。结构方程模型结果显示个人背景、关怀环境、组织支持感、职业价值观对精神科护士人文关怀品质有影响,其标准化总效应值分别为0.047、0.106、0.508、0.512。结论:精神科护士人文关怀品质整体水平较好,但仍有进一步提升的空间,尤其是人文关怀理念和人文关怀感知,以满足公众日益增长的护理服务需求以及护理专业拓展和学科发展的需要;关怀环境、个人背景、组织支持感与职业价值观是精神科护士人文关怀品质重要的影响因素。“,”Objective:To describe the current status quo of humanistic care quality of psychiatric nurses in China, analyze its influence factors, and explore the relationship between humanistic care quality, professional values and sense of organizational support of psychiatric nurses.Methods:Using multi-stage stratified cluster sampling method selected, totally 5 003 nurses from 43 the psychiatric hospitals or psychiatric department in general hispitals were investigated with general information questionnaire, Nursing Caring Characters Assessment Tool, Perceived Organizational Support Scale (POS) and Nurses Professional Values Scale-Revised (NPVS-R) from May to August, 2018.Results:In 5 003 psychiatric nurses, the total score of Nursing Caring Characters Assessment Tool was 4.21 ± 0.63. The humanistic care knowledge dimension and humanistic care ability dimension were better (4.27±0.65, 4.21 ± 0.63), while the humanistic care concept dimension and humanistic care perception dimension were weaker(4.16±0.66, 4.17±0.66). The results of structural equation model showed that personal background, care environment, sense of organizational support and professional values had influence on the humanistic care quality of psychiatric nurses, and the standardized total effect values were 0.047, 0.106, 0.508 and 0.512 respectively.Conclusions:The overall level of humanistic care quality of psychiatric nurses is good, but there is still room for further improvement, especially the concept and perception of humanistic care. in order to meet the growing needs of the public for nursing services and the needs of nursing professional development and discipline development, caring for the environment, personal background, sence of organizational support and professional values are important factors affecting the quality of humanistic care of psychiatric nurses.
【摘 要】针对DCS系统的不间断供电要求,对原有的单台UPS设备供电进行了新的组合形式的改造,采用旁路串并联的组合方式,使用两台非并机型的UPS设备,实现了在正常时,两台UPS各自独立带负载工作,当一台出现问题时,能够及时的切换到另外一台UPS设备中,在发生市电失电时,能够保证最重要的DCS系统维持最长的供电时间,为生产人员提供紧急操作处置的一种可靠性方案。  【关键词】不间断电源;DCS系统;切