今年以来,新县国家税务局围绕“税收抓管理年”严格目标考核制度,推行税收“连坐”、“连锁”、“追究”三项责任制度,走出了一条较科学严密的目标管理之路,较好地完成了各项税收任务。上半年,提前22天实现任务过半,在全区率先完成半年税收收入计划。 一、严格岗位责任目标管理考核制度 年初,该局围绕省局“抓管理促税收”的指导思想,制订全员岗位责任目标管理考核办法,在突出工作重点的基础上,把整体工作量化、细化,在岗位设置上,根据不同职责,将全部岗位分为领导岗位,非领导岗位和工勤岗位三大类,领导岗位包括副所长以上人员,非领导岗位指一般公务员,工勤岗位按实际工作需要设驾驶员、炊事员、通讯员、门卫等。全县各岗位分16类164岗,根据工作实际,将86个岗位分为县局机关,二级机构,各所、分局三个层次。制定了《税收工作目标管理考核办法》,
Since the beginning of this year, the State Revenue Administration of New County has stepped out of a more scientific and rigorous goal management system focusing on the strict target assessment system of “Tax Collection and Management Year” and the implementation of the three liability systems of “even sitting,” “chain,” and “prosecution” Well completed the various tax tasks. In the first half of the year, tasks were fulfilled 22 days ahead of schedule and the first half-year tax revenue plan was completed in the region. First, the strict job responsibility management system At the beginning of the year, the Bureau focused on the provincial government’s “guiding management of tax revenue,” the guiding ideology, to develop full responsibility for post management assessment methods, based on the focus of work, the overall work of quantification, fine Based on different responsibilities, all positions are divided into three categories: leadership positions, non-leadership positions and work-related positions. The leading positions include the deputy director and above. Non-leading positions refer to the general public servants. The actual work needs to set the driver, cook, correspondent, guard and so on. The posts in the county are divided into 16 categories and 164 posts. According to the actual work, 86 posts are divided into three levels: county agencies, secondary agencies, branches and sub-offices. Developed a “Tax Administration objectives and management assessment methods”