打造党建品牌 推进联动发展

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党的十八大指出:“以服务群众、做群众工作为主要任务,加强基层服务型党组织建设。”习近平总书记要求:把基层党组织的工作重心转到服务发展、服务民生、服务群众、服务党员上来,使基层党组织领导方式、工作方式、活动方式更加符合服务群众的需要。习近平总书记的要求为我们加强和改进服务型党组织建设,提升服务基层党建工作和社区群众的能力水平指明了方向,提供了遵循。 The 18th CPC National Congress pointed out: “Serve the masses and do mass work as the main task, and strengthen the building of grass-roots service-oriented party organizations.” General Secretary Xi Jinping required: to shift the focus of work of grass-roots party organizations to service development, Serve the masses and serve party members, so that the grass-roots party leadership, working methods, activities more in line with the needs of serving the masses. General Xi Jinping’s call for guidance on how we can strengthen and improve the building of service-oriented party organizations and the ability to serve party building at the grassroots level and the masses of the community has been specified.