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“如果你是一名真正的全球汽车新闻记者,那么就不能够忽略中国,就像一本好的中国汽车杂志不能够忽略欧美汽车新闻一样。”“在美国,所有的汽车制造商都很重视可靠性调查,一些汽车制造商甚至将正在开发和试验的车型放在《消费者报告》的车型测试设备上进行可靠性检测。”说这些话的人是AutoObserver.com的主编、底特律汽车新闻协会主席克雷布斯女士。当然,她此次还有另一个特殊身份——为《品质汽车》点评美国《消费者报告》2011年度汽车产品可靠性调查报告。30年前,克雷布斯便投身于底特律的汽车新闻事业,见证和报道了众多世界汽车界重大历史事件。在通用20世纪90年代中期推出电动EV1车型时,克雷布斯就曾详细探究电动车的发展之道。而在制片人克里斯·潘恩(Chris Paine)今年最新执导的《电动车雪耻重来》纪录片里,也有克雷布斯受访的镜头。克雷布斯同时也是最早一批关注中国汽车产业发展的美国记者,她对中国汽车市场很有兴趣,访谈快结束时还不忘建言比亚迪专注电动车技术 “If you are a true global auto journalist, you can not ignore China, just as a good China car magazine can not ignore the European and American auto news.” “In the United States, all automakers Attaches great importance to reliability surveys, and some automakers even test the reliability of the models being developed and tested on vehicle-based test equipment in the Consumer Reports. ”“ Those who said that were the editors of AutoObserver.com, Detroit Ms Krebs, president of Automotive News Association. Of course, she also has another special status this time - for the ”quality of cars,“ the United States, ”Consumer Reports“ 2011 annual automotive product reliability survey. Thirty years ago, Krebs joined the automotive press at Detroit, witnessing and reporting on many of the world’s major historic events. In the mid-1990s, when it introduced the EV1 model, Krebs explored the evolution of EVs in detail. Krebs was also interviewed by the producer Chris Paine in this year’s documentary titled ”Shame on Electric Vehicles". Krebs is also one of the earliest U.S. reporters who are concerned about the development of China’s auto industry. She is very interested in the Chinese auto market. When the interview ended, I did not forget to say that BYD was focused on electric car technology