本文报道一例早产儿因反复发生大肠杆菌性脑膜炎,并对粒细胞的趋化功能、补体进行了动态观察,同时与同龄儿、健康成人作了对照。病例男婴,妊娠34周,出生体重1090g、身长39.5cm,头围38.5cm,肤色红润,心肺无异常。化验及辅助检查:Hb 18.5g/dl,RBC 550万/μl,Ht 60vol%,WBC 7450/μl,血小板计数12.6万/μl,C-反应蛋白阴性,IgM-乳胶试验阴性。免疫电泳;IgG和IgA微量,IgM减少,IgE、<10E/l,CH_(5减)减少,C_(6-9)减少,脑超声波、头颅X片,
This article reports a case of premature infants with recurrent E. coli meningitis, and chemotactic function of granulocytes, complement dynamic observation, at the same time with the same age children, healthy adults were compared. Case of baby boy, 34 weeks of pregnancy, birth weight 1090g, length 39.5cm, head circumference 38.5cm, color red, no abnormal heart and lung. Laboratory and laboratory tests: Hb 18.5g / dl, RBC 5.5 million / l, Ht 60vol%, WBC 7450 / l, platelet count 126000 / l, C-reactive protein negative, IgM-latex test negative. Immunoelectrophoresis; trace amount of IgG and IgA, IgM decrease, IgE, <10E / l, reduction of CH_ (5 minus), decrease of C_