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《墨子·公输》中“请献十金”的“十金”,现行初中第五册注为:“金,古代铜质货币的单位,一斤为一金。”这条注释是错误的。其它有的将“十金”译作“十两黄金”(余在春《文言散文的普通话翻译》),有的当成“十斤黄金”(郭锡良主编《古代汉语》),也值得商榷。古人说:“币货易改,转不相因”(《国语注》),历史上货币体制和流通方式是不断演变的。金,用来指称一个单位的货币,质地、数量因时而异。因此,看某一部作品中的“金”是什么样的货币单位,首先要确定其写作年 The “Ten Gold Medals” in “The Ten Thousand Gold Medals” in “Mozi Gong Lost”, the current fifth grade of junior high school notes: “The gold, the unit of ancient copper currency, a pound is a gold.” This comment is wrong . Others have translated “Tenjin” as “Twelve Gold” (Yu Zhuochun’s “Mandarin Translator of Wenyan Prose”). Some of them are considered “ten kilograms of gold” (an ancient Chinese written by Guo Xiliang) and are worth discussing. The ancients said: “The currency is easy to change, and the reason is not changed” (“Mandarin note”), the history of the monetary system and the circulation is constantly evolving. Gold is used to refer to the currency of a unit. The texture and quantity vary from time to time. Therefore, to see what kind of monetary unit in a certain work is, we must first determine its writing year.