我国地方综合年鉴经济部类一般由政府工作部门及直属单位提供稿件。近几年来 ,随着经济管理体制改革的深化和企业产权制度改革的实施 ,这种单纯由部门供稿的传统组稿方式已经受到严重冲击 ,原本存在的一些弊端日益突出 ,年鉴的信息量逐渐减少。笔者通过 7年来编纂年鉴的实践 ,
China’s local comprehensive yearbook economic class generally by the government departments and subordinate units to provide manuscripts. In recent years, with the deepening of the reform of the economic management system and the implementation of the reform of the enterprise property right system, the traditional method of group contribution, which is solely provided by departments, has been severely affected. Some of the existing drawbacks have become increasingly prominent, and the amount of information in the yearbook has been gradually reduced. After seven years of compiling the practice of the Yearbook,